Brief Description: Letters to and from several hundred Jewish personalities, mainly Jewish writers, political thinkers, community leaders and rabbinical figures. Correspondents include Jacob P. Adler, S. An-Ski, Shalom Asch, Mendel Beilis, David Bergelson, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Nathan Birnbaum, Ber Borochow, Reuben Brainin, Adolphe Cremieux, Albert Einstein, Zechariah Frankel, Sigmund Freud, Maksim Gorkii, Rabbi Chaim Oyzer Grodzienski, Alexander Harkavy, Rabbi Isaac Herzog, Samuel David Luzzatto, Golda Meir, Mendele Moykher Sforim, Emanuel Ringelblum, Nahum Sokolow, Judah Steinberg, Henrietta Szold, Boris Thomashefsky, Leon Trotsky, Chaim Weizmann, Morris Winchevsky, Leopold Zunz.