Brief Description: Autobiographical materials including the manuscript and clippings of Marmor's *Lebens-geshikhte* (Autobiography) and of his diaries, 1896-1954. Family correspondence. Personal documents. General correspondence consisting of several thousand letters, 1900-1950s. Correspondents include: Shalom Asch, Baal Makhshoves (Isidor Eliashev), Joseph Barondess, Israel Belkind, Izhak Ben-Zvi, David Bergelson, Yitzhak Dov Berkowitz, Ber Borochov, Reuben Brainin, Joseph Hayyim Brenner, Abraham Cahan, Solomon Dingol, Itsik Feffer, Moses Gaster, Zevi Hirsch Gershoni (ps. Gersoni, Henry), Jacob Gordin, Yizhak Grunbaum, Alexander Harkavy, Theodor Herzl, Peretz Hirschbein, Reuben Iceland, David Ignatoff, Samuel Jacob Imber, Leon Kobrin, Philip Krantz, Zishe Landau, H. Leivick, Abraham Liessin, Judah L. Magnes, Raphael Mahler, Itzik Manger, Mani Leib, Samuel Margoshes, Jacob Milch, Shmuel Niger, Joseph Opatoshu, David Pinsky, Noah Prylucki, Abraham Reisen, Zalman Reisen, Maurice Schwartz, Nahum Shtif, Sholem Aleichem, Abraham Sutzkever, Henrietta Szold, Menahem Ussishkin, Chaim Weizmann, Yehoash. Biographical materials, letters and manuscripts of writers, collected by Marmor as editor and author: Joseph Bovshover, David Edelstadt, Jacob Gordin, David Ignatoff, David Ignatoff, Isaac Leib Peretz, Zalman Reisen, Yehoash, Chaim Zhitlowsky. Correspondence, circulars, invitations and other materials from political organizations: Ambidjan Committee, Communist Party of U.S.A., *The Daily Worker*, Friends of Soviet Russia, Histadrut Haivrit, ICOR, YKUF, Manchester Zionist Organization, Poalei Zion, Zionist organizations in Basel, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds. Materials on various Jewish organizations in Chicago. Correspondence, circulars from schools and cultural institutions: International Workers Order Schools, Children's Schools of the Jewish Peoples' Fraternal Order, Sholem Aleichem Schools (N.Y.) Materials from Yiddish theater organizations: Yiddish Theater Museum; drama and music societies; ARTEF; Workers' Theater. Materials on the Jewish press including *Yidisher kemfer*, *Morgn frayhayt*, *Hadoar*, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, *Canadian Jewish Weekly*, *Freie Arbeiter Stimme*, *Zukunft*, *Jewish Daily Forward*. Photographs of individuals and groups. Kalman Marmor collected papers of Jewish writers which he used as primary sources for his own writings. The Marmor collection includes papers of David Edelstadt, Jacob Milch and Morris Winchevsky.