Brief Description: These are fragmentary records of agencies of the Nazi government. They pertain to: the propaganda apparatus in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe and its role in the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question"; to the work with collaborating groups in the occupied countries; and to efforts against the underground resistance movements. The records originated primarily in the Reich Ministry for Propaganda and in the Reich Civil Administration for Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichskommisariat fur das Ost). The records are organized in two main sub-groups: Materials relating to Germany and materials relating to the occupied countries. The latter is divided geographically and pertains to the following territories: *Generalgouvernement*, Occupied Eastern Territories (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Byelorussia, Ukraine), Austria, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes of meetings, clippings, posters, pamphlets, photographs, transcripts, organizational charts of various Nazi propaganda offices. The following topics are included: Nazi racial policy; racial evaluations and definitions; genealogical investigations; Nazi policy on religion, ethnicity and the Church; Church position on the Jewish question; anti-Jewish legislation and decrees in Germany before 1939 and in the occupied territories after 1939; aryanization of Jewish-owned businesses; confiscation of Jewish property; criminality among Jews. Topics referred to in the official reports: anti-Nazi underground activities; partisan movements; Jewish resistance; Soviet espionage; the morale of the Red Army; attitudes of the local population toward Jews; Fascist organizations around the world; conditions in German POW camps; forced labor. Noteworthy reports are: confidential situation reports by local Nazi administrations, schedules of transports to death camps and numbers of deportees. Monthly reports of the Hauptabteilung Propaganda of the *Generalgouvernement* in Cracow, comprised of the weekly propaganda reports of the five districts - Warsaw, Radom, Lublin, Galicia, Cracow, 1942-1943 - and pertaining to police actions, activities of resistance groups, economic conditions, food situation, black market, recruitment of Polish labor to Germany, epidemics, mortality statistics. Reports of the Governor of the District of Warsaw relating to the typhoid epidemic, slave labor, industrial production and situation in the Warsaw Ghetto. Police report of the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, 1942.