Brief Description: Correspondence and other materials pertaining to individuals: Jacob P. Adler, Joseph Barondess, Herman Bernstein, Abraham Cahan, Jacob de Haas, Ossip Dymow, Eugene Debs, Isadora Duncan, Samuel Gompers, Peretz Hirschbein, Harold Ickes, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jacob Kalich, Herbert H. Lehman, Jack London, Joseph Margoshes, Molly Picon, Sholem Aleichem, Alfred E. Smith, Rabbi Hayyim Soloveichik, Nathan Straus, Jr., Baruch Charney Vladeck, Felix Warburg, Chaim Weizmann, Rabbi Stephen Wise, Aaron Zeitlin, Dr. Chaim Zhitlowsky. Correspondence and other materials relating to the Socialist Party and other organizations: ICOR, American Jewish Congress, American ORT Federation, *The Day*, Educational Alliance, *Morning Freiheit*, HIAS, Keren Hayesod, Zionist Organization of America, *Zukunft*. Manuscripts by Edlin: *Heroes in Chains*, *The Jew*. Manuscripts of Edlin's translations into Yiddish of literary works. Clippings of Edlin's column "What is new in the Socialist World", 1935-1937. Clippings about Edlin, 1897-1945. Personal correspondence. Financial records. Autobiographical materials. Manuscripts of other writers.