Brief Description: Reports relating to the formation of Rue Amelot. Materials on early activities, 1940-1941. Correspondence regarding the Jewish situation in Belgium, 1940. Materials relating to internment camps. Reports from camps in Beaune-La Rolande, Pithiviers, Troyes, Compiegne, Poitiers. Reports of activities of Rue Amelot in the camps, especially in Beaune-La Rolande and Pithiviers. Reports from camps in Germany and Poland. Correspondence from internees to Rue Amelot. Letters from hostages shortly before their deaths. Reports from Madame Valency and Rabbi Eliyohu Bloch about camps. Some photographs of synagogues in Pithiviers. Files of Colonie Scolaire relating to internees and refugees receiving aid. Files of places where children were sheltered, and information on families providing shelter. Correspondence with people hiding Jewish children. Correspondence with children being hidden. Reports and accounts relating to the Rue Amelot kitchen. Lists of acquisitions. Daily registers of foods consumed. Statistics on packages sent to needy Jews. Correspondence, reports and memoranda to and from the UGIF. Correspondence with: orphan homes, Committee to Help Hungarian Jews, Quakers, Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, L'Action Orthodoxe, Office d'Orientation Professionelle, Comite Francais de Secours Aux Enfants.
Held at:
YIVO Online Guide
Record Series Number: RG 343 /RG 343
Created by: Rue Amelot (France)
Volume: 0.0
Subject Index
Communal Welfare Organizations
Concentration, Death, Labor, and Internment camps
Health and Health Care
Holocaust and Aftermath
Resistance, World War II
Genres/Forms of Material
Documents - Records
Other Formats:
MK 510 (37)
Finding Aid Revisions: 1994/10/12 ; 1903/01/28 ; GMB