Brief Description: Correspondence with Jewish literary, cultural and political figures, and communal leaders, including Ber Borochov, Boris Thomashefsky, Solomon Grayzel, Aaron Glanz-Leieles, H. Leivick, Joseph Opatoshu, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Menahem Boraisha, Shmuel Niger, Kalman Marmor, Mark Wischnitzer, Max Weinreich, Emanuel Ringelblum. Correspondence with organizations, societies, publishers. Family correspondence. Notes and photostatic copies for Shatzky's book, *History of the Jews in Warsaw*, Volumes I-III, New York, 1947-1953 and Volume IV which is unpublished. Topics relate to: the rabbinate; community council; local organizations; Yiddish literature, art and culture; education; industry, trade, banks; political movements; charities. An abbreviated unpublished version of *A History of the Jews in Warsaw*. Notes, manuscripts and correspondence relating to the *Shatzky bukh* (The Shatzky Book), ed. E. Lifschutz, YIVO, 1957. Clippings of Shatzky's writings, as well as reviews and articles about Shatzky, 1910s-1960s. Manuscripts and notes for articles by Shatzky on topics in Jewish history, Yiddish folklore and literature. Materials, including biographical sketches, for the *Leksikon fun der nayer Yidisher literatur*. Materials relating to Shatzky's biographical work *Moris rozenfeld, in likht fun zayne briv* (Morris Rosenfeld, in the light of his letters), New York, 1936. Bibliographies, on cards relating to: early Yiddish literature in print; topics of medical interest in Jewish history; Judaica; theatralia; psychiatry and Jews; American Jewish press. Personal documents. Posters and lecture announcements.