Brief Description: With few exceptions, the bulk of the collection pertains to the work of the Agro-Joint. Records of the Agro-Joint Director General. Agreements of the American Relief Administration (ARA) and the Joint Distribution Committee with the Soviet government, 1922-1923. Agreements between the Agro-Joint and the Soviet government, 1924, 1927, 1928. Agreements of the Agro-Joint and the American Society for Jewish Farm Settlements (ASJFS) with the Soviet government, 1929, 1930, 1933, 1938. Materials relating to relief work of the JDC within the framework of the American Relief Administration, 1922, including the appointment of J. Rosen as the JDC representative at the ARA. Statistics, reports, miscellaneous correspondence relating to JDC activities in Russia. Minutes, memos, reports, legal documents, certificate of incorporation, and general correspondence relating to the ASJFS, its formation, fund-raising activities, 1927-1939. Records of the Agro-Joint Main Office, Moscow. Annual and periodic reports of the Agro-Joint including statistics, financial estimates, financial reports, analyses of expenditures, relating to Agro-Joint work, 1924-1937. General correspondence files: incoming and outgoing letters, reports, and memoranda. Materials relating to land surveys and allocations in the Crimea: statistics, surveys, memos, correspondence, relating to the Salsk district, Chernomor district, Changar peninsula, Azov, Kuban, Odessa district, Samara district, Povolzhe, Krivoy Rog, Kherson, The Far East, Siberia. Materials relating to contacts with KOMZET. Correspondence, minutes of KOMZET meetings, statistical information, reports. By-laws of the OZET (Obshchestvo po Zemleustroystvu Trudyachtchikhsya Evreev - Association For the Settlement of Toiling Jews On Land) and AGRO-KUSTBANK (Evreysky Agrarno-Kustarny Bank - Jewish Agricultural and House Workers Bank). Register of Agro-Joint assets transferred to KOMZET. Records of the Agro-Joint Agricultural Department. Materials relating to agricultural activities in specific colonies. Reports by agronomists, summaries, statistics, financial reports, minutes of meetings, landscape plans, diagrams, drafts of projected constructions, field experiments, relating to various regions as well as to specific agro-sectors and collectives in the provinces of Crimea, Ekaterinoslav (Dnepropetovsk), Kherson, Krivoy Rog, Odessa, Vohlynia, Byelorussia. Records of the Agro-Joint Relief and Industrialization Department. Materials relating to non-agricultural activities mostly financial aid to mutual aid societies, savings and loan associations, health care organizations, factories, vocational schools. Materials relating to colonization projects in Rhodesia, Alaska, Santo Domingo, British Guiana, 1937-1940. Photographs of Jewish agricultural settlements, institutions, schools, factories, medical centers, supported by the JDC and Agro-Joint, arranged alphabetically by name of town or colony.