Brief Description: Administrative reports, 1939-1960. Correspondence, minutes, clippings, bills, posters relating to the Anniversary Committee, 1932-1960. Correspondence, 1920s-1960s with individuals and organizations, including Shalom Asch, Shlomo Bickel, Aaron Glanz-Leieles, Jacob Glatstein, Chaim Grade, H. Leivick, Shmuel Niger, Joseph Opatoshu, Lamed Shapiro, I.J. Singer, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Malka Heifetz Tussman, Max Weinreich, Aaron Zeitlin, Chaim Zhitlowsky. *Kinder zhurnal* records: manuscripts of poems, plays, stories, songs and drawings. Authors include David Bridger, Bella Gottesman, Itzik Kipnis, Rivke Kope, Kadia Molodowsky, Mates Olitsky, Malka Heifetz Tussman. Financial documents. An unpublished bibliography of Hillel Zeitlin's Yiddish articles.