Brief Description: The papers relate to Mark's position as consultant at the Jewish Education Committee, to his activities in the field of education and to his literary career. Correspondence with Yiddish literary and educational figures, such as Ephraim Auerbach, Aaron Glanz-Leieles, Jacob Glatstein, Abraham Golomb, Chaim Grade, David Ignatoff, Chaim Kazdan, Leibush Lehrer, Joseph Mlotek, Shmuel Niger, Chaim Ormian, Abraham Reisen, Mordkhe Schaechter, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Isaac Nachman Steinberg, Abraham Sutzkever, Max Weinreich, Uriel Weinreich. Correspondence with organizations. Materials relating to the Commission for Yiddish Schools of the Jewish Education Committee: minutes, circulars, reports, surveys, curricula, examinations, Yiddish for adults, visits to schools. Circulars, correspondence with the Teacher's Association, 1943-1963. Circulars and reports of the Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute. Essay contests of the Yiddish P.E.N. Club: list of topics, winners. Congress for Jewish Culture: correspondence, circulars, reports, 1940-1963. Correspondence with YIVO. Manuscripts by Yudel Mark: articles on Yiddish, Jewish education, Yiddish literature. Manuscripts by other writers on educational topics. Surveys on the use of Yiddish conducted in various states.