Brief Description: The papers relate to Rabbi Schay's research on the history and genealogy of the Jews of Bratislava, and to his work as a congregational rabbi and kashrut supervisor. Materials on the Jews of Bratislava, including excerpts from documents from governmental and communal archives for the years 1551-1850. Notes and manuscripts by Schay. Correspondence, including letters from Rabbis Joseph Zvi Duschinsky, Eliezer Deutsch, Akiva Sofer, and others. Correspondence and other material concerning kashrut. Manuscripts and notes for sermons and eulogies. Personal documents, including school certificates, military service card. Records of personal expenses, 1935-1959. Photographs. Correspondence and other materials of Schay's father-in-law, Rabbi Alter S. Pfeffer, including correspondence with Rabbis Heinrich (Hanokh) Ehrentreu, Moshe Deutsch, and others. Miscellaneous materials, including a Jewish calendar printed in Vienna, 1820-1821. Manuscripts on rabbinic issues. Manuscript book of *tehinos*, 19th century. Calendars, Circulars and announcements by rabbis and institutions, *Reverands und khazonims hand bukh*, 1926.
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YIVO Online Guide
Record Series Number: RG 1244/RG 1244
Created by: Schay, Max
Volume: 0.0
Subject Index
Community Records
Customs, Jewish
Genealogy and Family History
Military service
Religious Life
United States
Genres/Forms of Material
Documents - Papers
Finding Aid Revisions: 1994/11/23 ; 1999/03/10 ; GB, yat