Brief Description: The records are divided into four series: *Lisbon Office* Correspondence and case files of the Lisbon HICEM office during World War II. The correspondence is with affiliates worldwide, regarding transportation and money transfers and with government officials. Also, with the Lisbon offices of the Quakers and Unitarians. *Lisbon I* Wartime correspondence and refugee dossiers kept in the Lisbon office of HICEM. *Lisbon II* Refugee case files from HICEM's Central Registry during WW II and *Lisbon III*, after the war
Held at:
YIVO Online Guide
Record Series Number: RG 245.6/RG 245.6
Created by: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Volume: 0.0
Organization: Folders arranged numerically
Arrangement: This collection is divided into 4 sections: general Lisbon records and Lisbon I-III
Subject Index
Communal Welfare Organizations
Immigration and Emigration
Social Welfare
Survivors, Holocaust